to raw - rawberry chia jam
this rawberry jam packs some serious nutritional benefits!
the chia seeds will give you omega3's
the raspberries en strawberries are loaded with anti-oxidants
to make this vegan, use maple syrup instead of honey.
but I am a huge fan of my honey, as it comes straight from my backyard!
this jam is made in a second!
you can add it to anything you desire!
your overnight oats, oatmeal, your breakfast smoothie, with peanutbutter on toast... or even better almond butter on toast!!
Don't hesitate to let it droooool all over that slice of bread!
No restrictions needed with this 'only good for you' jam!

r a w b e r r y j a m
recipe inspired by: loni jane
recipe type: to breakfast, to raw, glutenfree, vegan, dairyfree
you need:
1 1/2 cup strawberries
1/2 cup frozen raspberries
3 tbsp raw honey or pure maple syrup when making it vegan
a few drops of vanilla extract
2 Tbsp of chia seeds soaked in 5 Tbsp water for 10 minutes.
to make:
In blender or food processor, pulse all ingredients expect for chia seeds, once you have a smooth but chunky consistency add the chia seeds in and pulse a few more times. This was more like a sauce consistency than a jam cause I wanted it to drizzle on my banana whip and smoothie bowls so If you want it thicker you can add more chia seeds or berries